Give Online

Giving expresses the heart and nature of God. One of the first verses we learned as children was John 3:16, “For God so loved, that He gave. . . .”

God didn’t give us one of His sons; He gave His Only Begotten Son. God gave up His Son to death, so that a world could have eternal life.

This is our great example. We are to follow after the generous, magnanimous, giving heart of Our Heavenly Father. He spared us nothing, even when we were His enemies.

That is why we, as His children, desire to always do more.

You are to be commended. Many people bypassed this section of our web-site. They do not have it in their hearts to give. You do.

God sees your desire to be a partner in the world-wide harvest. He sees your desire to give. I am asking God to not only supply bread for your food, as He promised, but that He would also supply seed to you, the sower, according to His word. (2 Corinthians 9:10) May He make all grace abound to you in every way and return your gift to you 100-fold.

Thank you, again, for reaching the world with us with God’s love and power.