What do we really know and understand about the “Five Fold Ministry Gifts”? What is their purpose and relevance? Few books have been written that transcend our manmade ideas concerning this subject. The “Hand of God” is permeated with spiritual revelation as to why these ministry gifts still exist. In this book you will learn what they are, who they are, how they function and why they are vital to the equipping, maturing and effectiveness of the church today.

The Apostle , Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher are gift ministries given to the church by the greatest giver of all, The Lord Jesus Christ. This subject is still a mystery to many Christians and is seldom taught in churches around the world. Because of the misunderstanding, misguided motives and abuse by some clergy, the church has a tendency to ignore the office of the Apostle, Prophet and Evangelist placing most of the importance and responsibility on the Pastor and Teacher.

Complete impartation, transformation and equipping of the church can only be accomplished by having a proper understanding and relationship with the gift ministries in Ephesians 4. In this book Dr. Jimmy Roper Sr. shares with the reader a valuable revelation that comes from over 55 years of full time ministry and traveling in over 53 countries. It is not possible for the serious student of ministry or servant of Christ to read these pages and not have a deeper understanding of the Five Fold Ministry. I encourage you to open your heart to these truths and be refreshed, informed and inspired by this fresh bread from heaven.