Principle of Preparation

11/21/2024 12:00 am

A Special Note from Ron Roper:

Principle of Preparation

 Greetings in the name of Jesus. It’s Thanksgiving and Christmas season again, and many people are thinking about the holidays and all the “busyness” that goes with them. To some people, it is an exciting time, while others fight off depression and dread. Staying thankful is one important key to living in joy and victory during this holiday season. Take inventory of all you have that money can’t buy. You will be surprised just how blessed you are.

You Are Blessed!

 Every year around this time, I start to hear people ask this question: “Are you ready for the holidays yet?” Most people answer, “No, I’m not prepared at all.” Then the mad rush begins with overspending, guilty purchases and road rage. My point is that when we’re not prepared, things get out of control – we can lose our peace and not achieve the best results. God desires us to be prepared now, so he can bless us in the future.

I Call This the “Principle of Preparation.”

  Have you ever heard the saying “all good things come to those who wait”? Well, here is another one: “All good things come to those who are prepared.” That’s right – prepared. God cannot impart greater blessings to us until we are prepared to receive them. Many people are waiting on God to do what He’s waiting on them to do. This is one reason why a vision is so important. When you really understand and see your vision, you will begin to prepare for the manifestation of that vision.

If God Says Something, It Will Come to Pass.

 We must, however, be prepared for it. I remember an account of a couple who received a word from God that they were going to have a child. The woman was barren, but they both received and believed the word of God with all of their hearts. How did everyone know they believed? People saw their faith by their preparation. They began to turn a room in their house into a baby room, furnished it with baby things and got ready! Some people thought they were going crazy or being foolish, but not God. After the baby arrived, they were really blessed and God received the glory.

Think About This.

 Hebrews 11:7 * says, “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen (or manifested) as yet moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.” In Matthew 25, the word of God tells us about ten virgins that were to meet the bridegroom. Five were wise, and five were foolish. The simple difference between them was five were prepared and five did not prepare. Many people are waiting on God to bless them first, then figure out what they will do with the blessings later on. They fall into the deception of procrastination. They never seem to fulfill their dreams or calling.

God is Looking for Those Who Have a Perfect Heart Toward Him.

 In 2 Chronicles 16:9 *, God is looking throughout the whole earth for those who have a perfect heart toward him, so that He can show Himself strong in their behalf. Your heart is the first place that must be right. If our hearts are right, then we will be acceptable to God. He knows when we are prepared for His blessings and can trust us with those blessings.

Simple Yet Profound

A pastor I once served under told me this simple yet profound statement: “If you believe and don’t act, you don’t believe.” In James 2:18 *, the apostle Paul said it like this: “Show me your faith without your works, and I’ll show you my faith by my works.” The previous verse, 17, says, “Faith without works is dead, being left alone.”

Instituted by God

This principle of preparation is something that God Himself instituted. Let me give a few more examples of this principle. In Genesis chapter 1, God prepared the whole earth and every living creature before Adam arrived on the scene. The earth was prepared before Adam could take dominion and walk in his rightful blessings.

 In Mark 1:3 *, John the Baptist cried, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight”. In John 14:3 *, Jesus told His disciples that He was going away to prepare a place for us. I’ve heard this question in many a service: “Are you prepared to meet the Lord?” The word of God also tells us that new wine can’t be put in old wine skins. The wine skin must be prepared for the new wine. This refers to us as individuals.

I Hope You Are Getting the Point I’m Trying to Make.

 If you really believe God has something for you, then begin now to prepare for it. You can usually tell what a person is really believing for by looking at what they are preparing for. Preparation is the foundation for God to manifest blessings in your life.

Now Is the Time to Prepare

 We must create a place for God to manifest His goodness, blessings and promises in our lives. Prepared believers are instant in season and out. Prepared believers are filled with the word of God and prayed up. Prepared believers know that there are no accidents with God. Their steps are ordered by the Lord. Prepared believers keep their hearts right and ears tuned in to hear from God. They are ready and anticipating the blessings of God on a daily basis.

Are You Ready for Blessings?

If you’re prepared, you are. I hope this has inspired and motivated you. It is our desire that you receive all God has for your life. Remember, nothing we do is successfully done without some form of preparation.

Until next time, stay in the Father’s finest,

Ron Roper

Note: All quoted Bible scriptures are shown in the King James Version (KJV).