God’s Gifts of Family and Love

09/28/2024 6:04 pm

A special note from Christy Potter

A few days ago, the social media had a post that it was Daughters’ Day…recognize and celebrate our daughters. Well, yeah, of course we celebrate our children! So many words – like lots and lots of words – can attempt to do such a thing, but then seem inadequate. I believe everyone should be celebrated every day, and that each moment’s actions and words be chosen carefully. Life is worth celebrating. Love is worth celebrating. Every Day. Every conversation, every goodbye, we say, “I love you!”

I have one son and one daughter living on this earth, born by the tender generosity of our loving God who miraculously breathed life into them, each a birth of a unique soul planted on this Earth using the physical bodies of their father and me — gifts straight from heaven. My daughter and my son are so different from each other, maybe even more than their father and I were different from each other. (I won’t go into all that here and now.) But in the love of God we are one family together.

Since their father’s death 24 years ago, God gave us another man, now my husband, who lovingly opened his heart to them, picked up the reins of the responsibility of fathering them and always accepted them and loves them to this day and going on forever. They finally got used to the idea and now love him as “Dad”. They see what a gift he is from our Heavenly Father.

God Is Love

He puts together families, breathes life into every individual on purpose and for a purpose. Cherish every life individually. I do. I am blessed to have family that, because of God’s mercy and grace, loves each other unconditionally, and they love others unconditionally because they know how. I thank God for parents who instilled in us, with all their words, actions and unspoken mannerisms – their examples – the fact that we are loved by them and by God, and we are family forever. We are always available for each other, even though few of us live near the others. Our love for each other is always there and we know it. Sound too good to be true? No, God does this…with our cooperation.

Marriage is a commitment, a promise, a covenant to be kept. Communication is important and is key to keeping peace and understanding. Without God, this can be challenging if not seeming unsuccessful and frustrating at times. We grow each other, if we let God guide us through.

Family and marriage should include a giving spirit — of giving and receiving apologies, and giving and receiving forgiveness. As a bonus, exchanging heartfelt words and meaningful gifts become treasures in our hearts and minds. It’s not about money or what you can get from each other. It’s about loving honestly, unconditionally and always considering what we can give of ourselves to make others happy. It’s keeping the peace and learning to handle life’s hard spots so we only go through it once before our eyes are wide open for the next time. We learn and grow, and don’t quit. It’s helping each other and working hard. It’s family. And making lots of good choices.

Let us honor and love each other every day of our lives. And most of all, be unified by our faith in our God. He IS Love. If we focus on God and live by the leading of the Holy Spirit, according to His Word, we will have our best lives.

For those who don’t know a loving family, I pray you receive the strength and compassion, and miracles that only God can give as you navigate into that place of contentment and victory. Through Him, you can do it. Don’t believe the lies. Anchor in God.

Did you know the Holy Bible is an operations manual for living life?

God wants our best. Life in God means God is leading our life into its very best path. We can choose His way every day and know He’s got us.

Thank you, God, for an amazing family…so much more than I ever expected. An amazing daughter and an amazing son, each with wonderful qualities that make us proud and blessed. They’re not perfect, and neither are we. But we keep on loving and giving. Now, they have their own children who thrill our hearts and fascinate us with their shining qualities and great passion for life. Now our children understand their own lives lived under our parenting, and are much more grateful and thankful for each little one they’ve been blessed with, and the responsibility of parenting them well. Thank you, God, for my whole family!

Be Thankful!

Count your blessings. Our God-loving parents taught us these principles inspired by God’s Word, the Holy Bible. Use your words wisely toward each other, no matter what your feelings may be screaming. There is a way to handle everything in life. Some things need confronting, and it’s not always a bed of roses, but we keep going. The answers are in the Book, our Life Manual.

May we all learn how to cherish each other, and forgive and love as God intended, and may we as His children bring our Heavenly Father such joy as we experience from our children and even more so. May we always treat others as we would like to be treated. That’s in the Bible, too!

Never Let Fear Reign.

As long as we lean on God, He will hold us up and guide us through all life brings. His thoughts are higher than ours, naturally, so we may not understand. His timing is perfect, so we may grow impatient (because we have to wait for perfection we can’t yet see). But He’s got us. And He’d love it if we’d accept Him and all the love He gives freely. That’s why Jesus lived and died and rose again…a free gift to save us from darkness and spiritual death.

Life is an open book with many stories happening daily, all because of each seed our Father sowed into this earth, with His most excellent design and plans and awesome love. And our lives bring Him joy while He brings us joy and victory and oh, so much more that words can’t express. God wants us to succeed, to fulfill our dreams and our divinely designed purposes.

Think on these things and learn how great our God is…and how great our lives lived with love, following our God’s all-knowing instructions found in the Holy Bible, can be. See? So many words and still so much left to say! Well, I’ll see you soon on the next blog. In the meantime, check out that Life Manual! The book of John is a good place to start. Have a great time living and growing till then.

Loving y’all in Christ’s love,
